What if You Have Special Requests? Accommodating Unique Needs

What if You Have Special Requests? Accommodating Unique Needs

What if You Have Special Requests? Accommodating Unique Needs

When it comes to packaging, one size definitely does not fit all. Every business has its quirks, its particular needs, and its unique requirements. So, what happens when a standard solution just won’t cut it? Whether you’re looking for custom dimensions, eco-friendly materials, or specialized labeling, the packaging world is ready to cater to your needs—if you know how to ask for it.

Know What You Need—But Be Open to Suggestions

The first step to getting exactly what you want is understanding your own needs. Seems simple, right? Yet, businesses often approach packaging with a vague idea of what they want, only to realize halfway through the process that they forgot to ask for something crucial. Before reaching out with your special requests, make a detailed list of your must-have.

Communicate Early and Clearly

This cannot be overstated. If you have special packaging requests, the earlier you communicate them, the smoother the process will go. If you wait until halfway through production to mention that you need UV-resistant materials or a tamper-evident seal, you’re likely in for a delay (or a hefty extra cost). Instead, lay all your cards on the table from the get-go.

Flexibility—It’s a Two-Way Street

Special requests are often, well, special for a reason—they don’t always fit the norm. This means that flexibility on your part can go a long way. Maybe the material you want is out of stock but a similar one is available. Perhaps the exact dimensions you requested come with a higher cost, but there’s an alternative that’s more budget-friendly.

Don’t Forget About Compliance

When you’re making special requests, it’s easy to get swept up in the details and forget about the bigger picture—compliance. This is particularly crucial if you’re shipping internationally or dealing with regulated industries like food, pharmaceuticals, or electronics.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

  1. Regulatory standards: Are there packaging materials that are restricted or banned in certain countries?
  2. Labeling requirements: Do you need to include specific information on the packaging, such as country of origin, hazardous material warnings, or expiration dates?
  3. Environmental compliance: If you’re opting for eco-friendly packaging, ensure it meets all necessary environmental certifications.

Prototype and Test (Because It’s Better to Be Safe Than Sorry)

If your special request involves a completely new design or material, don’t skip the testing phase. There’s nothing worse than rolling out a new packaging solution only to find it doesn’t hold up during shipping or it looks wildly different from your expectations. A prototype is your safeguard.


At the end of the day, accommodating special requests isn’t just about the packaging itself—it’s about working with the right team. You want a packaging provider that understands your business, is willing to go the extra mile, and brings a level of expertise that makes your unique needs feel like a breeze.

At Carolan Packaging, we specialize in turning the extraordinary into the everyday. Whether you need something simple or something completely out of the box, we’re here to help.


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